New Apple Laptops are the Worst the Company has ever Made

Recently, Apple blogger John Gruber blamed departing Apple designer Jony Ive for the keyboard issues on recent MacBook Pro, saying it was Ive’s obsession with making thin devices that led to a poorly designed keyboard.

In his post, Gruber also said “today’s MacBooks are worse computers but more beautiful devices,” and I couldn’t agree more – my 2016 MacBook Pro is better to look than it is to use.

It’s all well and good that Apple’s laptops are powerful, beautifully designed, and that macOS is a great operating system. But there are four things that put Mac laptops towards the bottom of my wish list. Three of those things can actually be attributed to the thin design of Apple’s recent Mac laptops.

The “Butterfly” Keyboards and Faulty Keys

Repair Cost are Astronomical for the Littlest Problem

They only have USB-C

The Design is too Thin to Cool Properly.


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