Girl,15, Becomes Millionaire with Light up Flip Flops

Madison Robinson is already on track to becoming a millionaire thanks to an ingenious design for light-up flip-flops for kids. The teenager, from Galveston Island, Texas, came up with the idea for Fish Flops at the age of just eight. With the help of her father, Dan, and some ‘friends and family financing’ she was able to turn her drawings into product samples and sell the idea to retailers at trade fairs. And it seems retailers themselves can’t get enough of the brightly-colored footwear. Already more than 30 stores have placed orders including national powerhouses Nordstrom and Macy’s.
The shoes sell for around $25 a pair, and, just two years since the company’s official launch, over 60,000 pairs have sold, making for retail sales of at least $1.2 million.


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